Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Four Ways to Know Esperanza" - HOMEWORK

Periods 1, 3 & 5 - Due on Thursday 9/24

Periods 2 & 6 - Due on Friday 9/25

Hello at home workers!! This is just a friendly reminder that your "4 Ways..." assignment is due at the beginning of class on the date listed above. Class time will not be given to work on it, because we are starting our writing projects right away. Please be sure to be in class on the date listed above, because I (your amazing teacher) will be explaining what is expected of you for the next few weeks.

FYI: This is worth more points than the reading packets have been, and you will lose more points for every day its late. True story.

Writing Projects for House on Mango Street

Hello Writers!!

Well, you did it, you finished reading House on Mango Street now comes the second half of the English curriculum, writing about what you just read!!

We have two major projects that will go with this book, a more standard essay style assignment, and a more creative assignment which will ask you to write about your own, personal Mango Streets, complete with original vignettes & an illustration of the community you're highlighting.

To that extent, I have included 3 Documents for you:

(this includes tips and suggestions as well as formating rules)

The CORRECTED Calendar of Due Dates for the two projects.
(keep in mind, absences will not get you more time to work on the project)

The Scoring Rubrics for both projects.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Random Extra Credit!!

Hello, Blog Followers!!

This is a rather simple way to find out who is checking the blog, and who isn't.

Students, all you have to do, is get your parents to leave me a comment on this post, and I will give you 5 extra credit points, per parent (Max of 2 Parents).

Parents, don't feel obligated to actually leave a message, just click on the comment link on the bottom right corner of this post, and write your name & your student's name, and badda-bing, their grade goes up.

Good job and keep checking in!!