Monday, January 4, 2010

New Semester, New Chances!!

Hello returning Freshmen!!

Quick note for those of you following the blog here.

You are expected to bring pen/pencil and paper EVERY SINGLE DAY. These are not materials I have or will provide, you need to come to school prepaired, or your grade will be negativly effected.

SSR begins:
  • Periods 2 & 6 on Wednesday, January 6th
  • Periods 1, 3 & 5 on Thursday, January 7th

You are expected to have your own SSR book every day of school.
The class books are being returned to the library due to misuse last semseter.
The goal of SSR is for you to find your own book to read and enjoy.
You are welcome to leave your book in your folder in the classroom if you are worried about forgetting it or losing it.

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