Thursday, March 25, 2010

More "Romeo and Juliet" Extra Credit

Hello Extra Credit Seekers!!

These two videos are from the Reduced Shakespeare Company, a comical theater troop's play which attempts to cover the entire works of Shakespeare in a single play. Watch the 2 part video and write a 10 sentence paragraph explaining what you liked and disliked about the videoes.

Warrning, it is a touch "adult" in some of its jokes, so only watch if your parents say its okay.
  • Rated(PG-13)by Mr. Maher.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Romeo and Juliet Extra Credit

Hello Last-Second Point Earners!!

I am offering an extra credit option for those of you who want a little extra grade boost by the end of the the quarter (Thursday, March 18, 2010).

You are going to create a graphic represtentation of Romeo and Juliet in any medium you choose.

This can include:
  • drawing/painting
  • diorahma
  • collage
  • comic/cartoon
  • mobile
  • sculpture
  • anything else I am not thinking of...

Points: This assignment will be worth up to 15 points (doesn't sound like a lot, but it is) but only Very exceptional peices will earn all 15 points.
  • Points will be awared based on effort and overall quality.