Thursday, March 25, 2010

More "Romeo and Juliet" Extra Credit

Hello Extra Credit Seekers!!

These two videos are from the Reduced Shakespeare Company, a comical theater troop's play which attempts to cover the entire works of Shakespeare in a single play. Watch the 2 part video and write a 10 sentence paragraph explaining what you liked and disliked about the videoes.

Warrning, it is a touch "adult" in some of its jokes, so only watch if your parents say its okay.
  • Rated(PG-13)by Mr. Maher.

1 comment:

  1. I though the beginning about a minute into the play part one was very theatrical and funny. Although the two actors seemed to be out of sync with each other they were still good. I also like how they mad a spoof out of it. The fact that only two men are playing the parts of the all the characters is impressive. I really liked how fast the acts went but it would have been cool to see them do that for a longer time. They had some cool ideas and plans for this. For example the thing with the fake knife at the end of part two. The guitar was a nice touch at the end. They also interacted with the audience a little. When he drank the poison and started fake throwing up on people.
