Monday, December 14, 2009

Final Exam Information

Hello Final Test Takers!!

Your final will be comprehensive and will cover:
  1. The House on Mango Street
  2. "Harrison Bergeron"
  3. "The Pedestrian"
  4. George Orwell's Life & Career
  5. Animal Farm

FORMAT: The exam format will be multiple choice, matching and true and false questions, and will be 100 questions long. Again, in case you forgot, the final is worth 10% of your total semester grade.

MATERIALS: You are allowed to bring with you the completed test blueprint (Click Here for Blueprint) but otherwise no notes will be allowed.

Your Final Schedule is as Follows:

Monday & Tuesday are the standard schedules.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

  • Conference 7:30 – 8:53 a.m.
  • 2nd Per. 9:00 – 9:55 a.m.
  • 4th Per. 10:02 – 10:57 a.m.
  • 6th Per. 11:04 – 11:59 p.m.
  • Bus Depart @ 12:15 p.m.
Thursday, December 17, 2009:
  • Conference 7:30 – 7:53 a.m.
  • 1st Per. 8:00 – 8:55 a.m.
  • 3rd Per. 9:02– 9:57 a.m.
  • 5th Per. 10:04 – 10:59 a.m.
  • 7th Per. 11:06 – 12:02 p.m.
    Bus Departs @ 12:15 p.m.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Animal Farm Assignments

Essays are DUE Mon. 11/30

Hello, Essay Writers!!

You may, if you choose to, email me your essays at:


Hello Orwell Readers!!

For periods 2 and 6 here are some of the assignments that you are working on at home and in the classroom. Please keep up, its less work to do it all on time, than it is to make up at the end of the grading period.

Click here to get a copy of the Reading Response Guide

Discussion Questions/Activities:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Utopia/Dystopia Short Story Assignments

Hello Utopian/Dystopian Short Story Readers!!

The following are the in-class assignments you should be completing and turning in on a daily basis. If you are missing any, or if you were absent from class, here you go! Click the link, print it on out, fill it in, and get it turned in ASAP.

"Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

"The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury

Short Stories from the Utopia Small Group Presentations

If you didn't finish in class, or if you missed the Small Group Presentation Assignment in class, than you've come to the right place!! Read your group's story, answer the questions on the Small Group Utopia Project (Click Here) and create your own visual representation of the story.
"There Will Come Soft Rains" - Click Here for the Short Story
"We Ate the Children Last" - Click Here for Story

"New Utopia" - Click Here for Story

"The Ones Who Walk Away from Omeleas" - Click Here for Story

"The Lottery" - Click Here for Story

"Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs"

Click Here for Part 1 Click Here for Part 2 Click Here for Part 3

Click Here for Part 4 Click Here for Part 5 Click Here for Part 6

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Four Ways to Know Esperanza" - HOMEWORK

Periods 1, 3 & 5 - Due on Thursday 9/24

Periods 2 & 6 - Due on Friday 9/25

Hello at home workers!! This is just a friendly reminder that your "4 Ways..." assignment is due at the beginning of class on the date listed above. Class time will not be given to work on it, because we are starting our writing projects right away. Please be sure to be in class on the date listed above, because I (your amazing teacher) will be explaining what is expected of you for the next few weeks.

FYI: This is worth more points than the reading packets have been, and you will lose more points for every day its late. True story.

Writing Projects for House on Mango Street

Hello Writers!!

Well, you did it, you finished reading House on Mango Street now comes the second half of the English curriculum, writing about what you just read!!

We have two major projects that will go with this book, a more standard essay style assignment, and a more creative assignment which will ask you to write about your own, personal Mango Streets, complete with original vignettes & an illustration of the community you're highlighting.

To that extent, I have included 3 Documents for you:

(this includes tips and suggestions as well as formating rules)

The CORRECTED Calendar of Due Dates for the two projects.
(keep in mind, absences will not get you more time to work on the project)

The Scoring Rubrics for both projects.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Random Extra Credit!!

Hello, Blog Followers!!

This is a rather simple way to find out who is checking the blog, and who isn't.

Students, all you have to do, is get your parents to leave me a comment on this post, and I will give you 5 extra credit points, per parent (Max of 2 Parents).

Parents, don't feel obligated to actually leave a message, just click on the comment link on the bottom right corner of this post, and write your name & your student's name, and badda-bing, their grade goes up.

Good job and keep checking in!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Mango Street Reading Homework

You need to read Vignettes 40 - 44!!

Unfortunately, due to copyright laws, I can't put the actual pages on the blog, but I can put copies of the charts you need to fill out and bring, COMPLETED, with you to class when next we meet.

Mango Street Directions (for Vignettes 1- 20)

Mango Street Directions (for Vignettes 21-44)

Mango Street Chart (For Vignettes 1 - 10)

Mango Street Chart (For Vignettes 11 - 20)

Mango Street Chart (For Vignettes 21 - 33)

Mango Street Chart (For Vignettes 34 -44)

For Those of You Missing Work

You need to take care of missing work on your own!! It is your job, if you miss a day, or don't finish an assignment, to pick up a copy in class and finish on your own. For those of you who waited to long to find missing work, here are links that will let you print off what you need to do:

Print off what you need and turn it in As Soon As Possible!!

Parents: If you haven't set up your account yet, use the following link to go to the school's website and open an account (FREE account) to view your student's progress on-line.

Click on the section on the right called "Create/view account" and follow the directions.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hello Poetry Lovers!!

Today in class, I read you a Gwendolyn Brooks quote from the cover of House on Mango Street. We briefly talked about who Gwendolyn Brooks was and why it was significant that she spoke so highly of the book that you are about to start reading. For extra credit, I have included a video of still images that play to a recording of Brooks reading her poem. Watch the video, and then write a 5 sentence paragraph about what the poem is about and what you think it means.

Transcript of Poem:

We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks

We real cool. We
Left school. We

Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We

Sing sin. We
Thing gin. We

Jazz June. We
Die soon.
Hello Bloggers!!

Some of you missed yesterday when we set up our blogs and reviewed the weekly blogging assignment, so I thought (being the thoughtful guy I am) that I would post links to the necissary instructions here on the ol' class blog so you can get caught up. No, no, there is no need to thank me, I'm just a humble public educator.

This link will take you to the assignment overview:

Start by going to and clicking on "create account". Choose the format and style you want, and then access the PDF files below to help guide you through selecting the settings & creating a profile that will keep you and everyone in the class safe on-line. You are required to follow all of the setting & profile rules, WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

This link will run you through the settings I want you to input:

Setting Your Settings

This link will tell you what you are allowed to include in your profile:

Creating Your Profile

This link will show you operate your dashboard and publish a post:

Welcome to Your Dashboard & Publishing

This link will highlight the features of your blog & how to navigate that bad boy:

Using Your Blog

This is a link to my personal blog, if you want to see (and judge) my work:

Good luck, and good blogging, feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems.

SSR Suggestions!!

Hello Readers!!

We start our SSR program this week, which means you need to have a book with you in class, every day, starting Wednesday, August 26th (today). Since some of you are having a hard time hunting down books, I am going to list my all time top five favorite books that you're guaranteed to love. They are, in no particular order:

1.) Geek Love by Katherine Dunn. This book is hard to explain without overselling it. The main character is the only surviving member of a fictional family of circus freaks who traveled across the country in the late 70s and early 80s. It hops between our main character's life as the most 'normal' and therefore 'useless' member of her family, and the present where she is stalking her neighbor, a pretty girl who may or may not have a tail. Cults, amputees, a turtle-boy and more eyebrow raising tragedy than you can imagine crowds this book cover to cover.

2.) the Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. Yeah, I know, its a movie now, and, no I haven't seen it, and I never will. I also know that it looks and sounds a bit "girly" and maybe it is, but this is one of the most interesting and cool books I've ever read. The time travel takes a few pages to completely understand, but once you get going the book doesn't fail to make you laugh and cry. Yes, I actually cried while reading it. If you don't, you're dead inside.

3.) Watership Down by Richard Adams. If you wanted to learn as much as possible and only ever read one book in your life, this is it. This story covers every conceivable topic: love, religion, intolerance, the evils of capitalism, the value of having true friends, courage, faith, violence and so much more, but it does it all with bunnies. Yes, these bunnies will teach you more about life than any other land-based rodent I've ever read about (sorry, Mickey).

4.) Lamb: the Gospel According to Biff by Christopher Moore. Easily the funniest book I've ever read, if you have an open mind when it comes to blasphemy. This book tells the story of the life of Jesus from the point of view of his goof-ball, womanizing, drunk of a best friend, the unspoken of 14th apostle, Biff. Biff treats Jesus the way anyone who really knows
us too well would, by constantly undercutting his achievements and mercilessly teasing his best friend for every miracle, big and small.

5.) All Families are Psychotic by Douglas Coupland. This book is great because in the end, it isn't the book you thought it was in the beginning. The story starts with a broken and distant family gathering in Florida for the firs time in years to support the family straight-shooter as she is becoming the first woman NASA has ever sent to Mars. As each member of the central family's story unfolds, we learn that sometimes the most damaged people are the ones who appear to be the most perfect, while the most broken of us are actually far more innocent than we ever give them credit for.

Well, those are my suggestions, if you need more help, please ask, I love talking books! Good luck and don't forget: BRING READING BOOKS ON WEDNESDAY!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Blogging!!

Blogging (a combination of "web logging") has become a serious and important part of our modern culture. So much so, that on-line blogs such as this are more and more considered legitimate forms of publication. According to one website, according to a blog search engine in December of 2007, there was an estimated 112 million blogs to be found on-line. With that in mind, I give you YOUR ASSIGNMENT:
  • At least once a week, you will need to write and publish a 100+ word post that relates to your chosen blog theme.
  • For a specific list of "Do's and Don'ts" see the handout provided by Mr. Maher.
In the interest of fairness (and because I think this assignment is pretty cool) I will keep a personal blog too, using this one mostly just for official class news. With that in mind, I suggest you add it to the list of "Blogs I Follow" and check back regularly.

Good luck, and get typing!