Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hello Poetry Lovers!!

Today in class, I read you a Gwendolyn Brooks quote from the cover of House on Mango Street. We briefly talked about who Gwendolyn Brooks was and why it was significant that she spoke so highly of the book that you are about to start reading. For extra credit, I have included a video of still images that play to a recording of Brooks reading her poem. Watch the video, and then write a 5 sentence paragraph about what the poem is about and what you think it means.

Transcript of Poem:

We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks

We real cool. We
Left school. We

Lurk late. We
Strike straight. We

Sing sin. We
Thing gin. We

Jazz June. We
Die soon.


  1. i think that poem is good for the kids who drop out and stuff. but its kinda saddd in a way haha

  2. i think the poem is about people who think their so cool and they drop out of school. then they realize dropping out got them nowhere in life. and their never able to get a good paying job because they had no education. it also states most of the things they can do in their life such as: leave school, lurk late,sin etc. but it seemed to me like they were having fun dancing and being themselves:)

  3. I think this pom means:
    They aren't cool, they are going to die really young because they dropped out of school, and got really cruddy lives.

  4. I think its about how they dropped out of school.
    They live life to the fullest and have fun. If they were in school they would have had people telling them what to. And even though they aren't being bossed around, they aren't getting any guidance either.

  5. I think the poem is about how there is always kids that wanna rebel and act different. It seems like these are the kids who don't want to listen and don't care about there futures. She says the poem like these kids are cool well they're doing this but in the long it wasn't worth it. That was just the way her voice sounded to me.

  6. i think that the poem is about kids who alway want to have fun and not to go to school. they want to have all the liberty to do whatever they want to.they also might think that school is not important for them but it is its important for their future. the poem i think is also saying that kids should act better so they have a better should go to school to have a better future.

  7. Fernanda Egurrola.

    To my point of view this is about a group of kids that droped out of school. They apperently think they're really cool because they left school. When i read it over i thougth they were gang members, because of the part that says "we die soon". But then i read it again and i thougth they were in a band or somthing li ke that because it says "we sing sin".

  8. i think this Poem is about School Drop Outs that are living life but they are dying soon because their possibly in bad steps.

    -Michal Urrea

  9. ohhh and they think their cool butttt theirr not!!

  10. This poem is about these guys that stayed friends all their life. They became friends when they were younger. They lived near each other, played, and went to school together. Then as they got older they left school, and stayed out late. Also, caused trouble sometimes, and they all had died together.
