Friday, August 7, 2009

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Blogging!!

Blogging (a combination of "web logging") has become a serious and important part of our modern culture. So much so, that on-line blogs such as this are more and more considered legitimate forms of publication. According to one website, according to a blog search engine in December of 2007, there was an estimated 112 million blogs to be found on-line. With that in mind, I give you YOUR ASSIGNMENT:
  • At least once a week, you will need to write and publish a 100+ word post that relates to your chosen blog theme.
  • For a specific list of "Do's and Don'ts" see the handout provided by Mr. Maher.
In the interest of fairness (and because I think this assignment is pretty cool) I will keep a personal blog too, using this one mostly just for official class news. With that in mind, I suggest you add it to the list of "Blogs I Follow" and check back regularly.

Good luck, and get typing!

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