Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hello Bloggers!!

Some of you missed yesterday when we set up our blogs and reviewed the weekly blogging assignment, so I thought (being the thoughtful guy I am) that I would post links to the necissary instructions here on the ol' class blog so you can get caught up. No, no, there is no need to thank me, I'm just a humble public educator.

This link will take you to the assignment overview:

Start by going to and clicking on "create account". Choose the format and style you want, and then access the PDF files below to help guide you through selecting the settings & creating a profile that will keep you and everyone in the class safe on-line. You are required to follow all of the setting & profile rules, WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

This link will run you through the settings I want you to input:

Setting Your Settings

This link will tell you what you are allowed to include in your profile:

Creating Your Profile

This link will show you operate your dashboard and publish a post:

Welcome to Your Dashboard & Publishing

This link will highlight the features of your blog & how to navigate that bad boy:

Using Your Blog

This is a link to my personal blog, if you want to see (and judge) my work:

Good luck, and good blogging, feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems.

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